Friday, April 19, 2024

Bemnet Alefew


Name: Bemnet Alefew

Education: BA Degree

Company name: Oasis Printing and Advertising

Title: Founder

Founded in: 2017

What it does: Printing, website designing and advertising services

HQ: Gerji

Number of employees: 16

Startup Capital: 200,000 birr

Current capital: 1.2 million Birr

Reasons for starting the business: Providing good service

Biggest perk of ownership: Seeing the satisfaction of my customers

Biggest strength: I’m very sociable

Biggest challenging: Introducing new ideas

Plan: Reaching out to more people

First career: Web Designing and Graphic design

Most interested in meeting: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Most admired person: My mom

Stress reducer: pending time with loved ones

Favorite past time: Listening to music, playing video games

Favorite destination: The Bahamas

Favorite automobile: Audi Q7, V8

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