Saturday, July 27, 2024

Political prisoners to be released


The Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has passed an extraordinary decision to release all political prisoners on Wednesday January 3.

According to the official Tweeter handle of the Prime Minister’s Office, it declared that the political prisoners would be freed for the sake of the political stability. It indicates that Merara Gudina (PhD) and Bekele Gerba both head and vice head of the Oromo Federalist Congress Party and other popular political leaders and activists will be released. Andualem Aragie and Yonathan Tesfaye are also expected to be included in the list.

Since the ruling party announced it won all the seat of the parliament in 2015 a wide range of political instability occurred in the country, particularly in Oromia and Amhara regions, who are the major ethic groups in the country.

The political instability pressed the government to pass several measures including state of emergency and internet blackout for months in the past year.

EPRDF also stated that the so called Maekelawi detention center the notorious prison located around Menelik square, will be closed and will transform to a public museum.

Maekelawi is a notorious detention center for governments since the Derg era.


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