Saturday, July 27, 2024

Japanese development agency helps open 10 schools in SNNPR


The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which works through the Japanese government, has constructed ten new secondary schools in the Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR). They also have expanded ten others. The schools cost 216.9 million birr and will help improve education for 20,000 students.
The project took three years to complete. The schools, which come equipped with laboratories, computers, play grounds and toilets, are located Welkite, Halaba, Tiya, Selte, Aleta Wendo, Gamo Goffa, and Arba Minch. jica-2
The local inhabitants were happy about the new and expanded schools. Dr. Eshetu Kebede is the head of the SNNP Educational Bureau. He spoke at the inauguration ceremony of the Tiya Secondary School expansion project last Tuesday. He said that the government is working as a team to make sure that everyone in the country has an equal opportunity at a good education. He called on the public to make the most of education.
“We sincerely thank the Japanese government for building the schools. Educating our children is a key to development. Strong schools mean a strong economy,” he said.
Ke Yamanda, Chief Representative of JICA Ethiopia, said the new schools are a sign of productive cooperation between Japan and Ethiopia.
At the inauguration ceremony certificates were given to JAICA, the Japanese Embassy and Rotary Club which also played a role in constructing the schools.
“A long time ago, Ethiopian students had to travel long distances to attend school but because of the work that has been done recently, education is close by for them which helps the nation develop. The Ethiopian government looks forward to working more closely with JAICA to open additional schools,” he said.
JAICA Ethiopia has been a part of movement to improve access to basic and secondary education by building more than 50 primary and secondary schools in rural areas of Oromia, SNNPR and Amhara regional states. Soon the organization plans a similar project in Tigray.

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