Saturday, July 27, 2024

Debub Police claim Super Leaguegroup “B” top spot


After a startling first defeat in the league season, Dilla lost its top spot to late bloomers Debub Police while Kaffa Bunna and Halaba defeated Mekki and Hadiya Hossana to sit third and fourth respectively.
With five consecutive matches without a win Selte-Werabi never expected to mount such a heroic performance. He took football fans by a huge surprise. Despite every effort to set the record straight Dilla failed to cancel out the wining golden goal from Feti Remsheto. As a result the team was pushed off the top spot by rivals Debub Police, who settled for a goal less away draw against home side Wolkite. With three lethal strikers: Biruk Elias, Behailu Wegene and Jaco Arafat, each with six goals, Debub Police’s failure to win denied the travelling supporters a joyful journey back home. Debub Police took the driving seat of the Super League “Group B” table with 20 points from 11 matches and 13 goals in its account while Dilla is second with only six goals.
Thanks to a winning strike from Bereket, Kaffa Bunna collected three points after a 1-0 home victory over Mekki in Bonga Town. Kaffa has twenty points from 12 matches thus sits third in the table because of goal differences. The weekends’ shocking defeat took place in Halaba where the home side Halaba crushed visitors Hadiya Hossana 2-0. The opening goal through Sentayeh Mengestu early in the second half followed by an injury time final nail in the coffin by Abnet Teshome, the home side deservedly took all three points. The nasty theatre of the day happened to Hadiya in just his second match as the newly appointed head coach when is player Ezedin Abdelaa received a red card. Halaba is third, seven points clear of Hadiya Hossana which is in seventh place with 16 points.

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