Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tigabu Haile


Name: Tigabu Haile

Education: BA in Law

Company name: Eshi Express

Title: CEO

Founded in: 2009 E.C

What it does: Delivering Parcels

HQ: Addis Ababa

Number of employees: 8

Startup Capital: 1.4 Million birr

Current capital: 1.5 Million birr

Reasons for starting the business: The Drive for freedom and Creative Service

Biggest strength: Hard Working

Biggest perks of Ownership: the Freedom to Deliver Service in Your Own Way

Plan: To start the service internationally within 2 years

Biggest challenge: The Weak Culture of Outsourcing

First career: Head of Secretariat of Ethiopian Charities and Societies Forum

Most interested in meeting: Larry Ellison (Oracle Founder)

Most admired person: My Mom

Stress reducer: Hiking

Favorite past-time: Running a Half Marathon Mountain Trail

Favorite book: Zero to One, Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

Favorite destination: India

Favorite automobile: Infinity

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