Saturday, July 27, 2024

Workers switched to contract status after forged documents discovered


After conducting an internal investigation of employee documents the Addis Ababa Abattoirs Enterprise (AAAE) fired 55 of their workers for filling fake documents, many of whom had been at the Enterprise for a long time.
But their forged documents did not allow the workers to move out of their job instead the enterprise hired them on a contract based agreement which could be revised in a three month interval. Their jobs mostly involved slaughtering animals. They were expected to have 8th or 10th grade certificates. Even though they were doing their jobs, it was found that the certificates were fake. The workers were paid from 3,000 up to 7,000 birr for slaughtering ox, sheep and shipping them to the butcher house.
Their new contract salary will be much less their previous permanent salary.
Capital asked Nebert Beka Managing Director of AAAE to clarify the issue.
“We have got 55 workers with forged documents but I don’t know why you focus on this issue it is a minor thing, I don’t want to talk more at this point .’’
But one staff who claimed anonymity said the workers have the right skills to do the job and it is fair to hire them on a contract based agreement.
“These workers slaughter oxen and sheep and have been working for many years and have established families with this job. If they do what they are expected firing them is not fair.’’
Currently the Abattoirs has over 1,000 workers. They are in the process of relocating from the commonly known place of Kerra to Hana Mariam.
The new facility encompasses 17,400sqm. It will have the capacity to kill 14,000 animals every day. The current abattoir can only slaughter 1,200 animals per day.
An upgrading system for processing by-products to produce animal tallow, meat bone meal, glue and pure bone meal will be installed in the new abattoir. It will also feature biogas and water treatment plants.

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