Friday, September 20, 2024

Yoftahe Manyazewal

Name: Yoftahe Manyazewal

Education: Bsc. in Architecture and Certified Yoga Teacher

Company name: Khul Holistic Development Center

Title: Founder and Chief Creative Visionary

Founded in: 2014

What it does: Services on Wellbeing and Human Excellence

HQ: Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Number of employees: 5

Startup Capital     16,000 birr

Current capital  400,000 birr

Reasons for starting the business: Observing the struggle of humanity for wellbeing

Biggest strength: Addressing fundamentals in human experience

Biggest perks of Ownership: Designing and leaving a legacy

Plan: Setting up a global university to stretch human limits and boundaries

Biggest challenge: Societal conformity

First career: Personal growth trainer

Most interested in  meeting:  Anyone who has transcended human limits and one who aspires to do so

Most admired person: A child in everyone

Stress reducer: Meditation

Favorite past-time: Snorkeling

Favorite book: Inner Engineering, The Power of Now

Favorite destination:  India

Favorite automobile: Don’t have one

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