Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ethiopian Bunna demolishes Hawassa


Nigerian Samuel Sanumi marshaled the execution at Adama Ababa Bikila Stadium, as Ethiopia Bunna demolished Hawassa to breathe hot air behind the league leaders. “My players are very determined as well cautious for we are seriously into the title contention,” Ethiopia Bunna boss Didier Gomes remarked.
After an eleven day interruption due to the civil unrest in the sea side town the much awaited showdown moved to Adama thus in favor of title contenders Ethiopia Bunna. In front of “The Brown River” sellout crowd it took only eighteen minutes to open the flood gates through lone striker Sanumi from a spot kick. Hawassa retaliated just a quarter of an hour later through Ferew Solomon’s equalizer from a penalty.  An all-out attack from Bunna against defensive Hawassa, Sanumi volleyed the second followed by his third strike from another spot kick in first half injury time.
Back from the dressing room it was one- way traffic all through the second half Ethiopia Bunna added two goals through Samson Tilahun and Haile Eshetu to seal the score line 5-1. The hat trick hero Samuel Sanumi frog leaped into second in the top scorers’ chart with 13 goals that is just four goals shy of JimmaAbaJifar’s goal machine OkikiAfolabi with 17 goals. The heart swelling result means Ethiopia Bunna sits third two points behind AbaJifar and arch rivals Saint George.
Nearly three months without a win Dedebit FC defeated visitors Arbaminch to stay in mid table comfort zone with 37 points while the visitors camped in relegation zone with twenty eight points from twenty seven matches.

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