Monday, April 29, 2024

Rezene G.selassie


Name: Rezene G.selassie

Education: Developmental Psychology (BA, MA)

Company name: Mushira Entertainment®

Title: Managing Director

Founded in: 2015

What it does: Professional wedding and event services

HQ: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Number of employees: Five

Startup Capital     25,000  birr

Current capital  350,000 birr

Reasons for starting the business: Passion for entertainment and being my own boss

Biggest strength: Experiential Knowledge about the entertainment industry

Biggest perks of Ownership: Never seizing energy

Plan: Taking it to a greater height by making the company one of the most trusted brands

Biggest challenge: seasonal market, especially on the wedding sector

First career: Trainer in psychology

Most interested in  meeting: knowledgeable and open-minded personalities

Most admired person: Bob Marley and Che Guevara

Stress reducer: Music, Movies and Documentaries

Favorite past-time: Volunteering as a Rotaractor

Favorite book: ‘Lijinet’ by Zenebe Wolla

Favorite destination: Havana, Cuba

Favorite automobile:  Mercedes-Benz S-Class Coupe 2018

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