Saturday, July 27, 2024

City undergoes complete cabinet reshuffle


Takele Uma who assumed the vice mayor position three weeks ago appointed 18 new officials to lead city departments. They were all approved by the cabinet. The vice mayor currently has the power of mayor.
Nebyu Bayu who heads Addis University’s theater arts department will lead the city’s Culture and Tourism Bureau. Abdulfeta Yessuf will oversee the city’s Trade Bureau and Ermias Kiros the Industry Bureau. Firhiwot Tefera will manage Justice Bureau and Shesema Gerbreslassie the Revenue and Customs Bureau.
Land Management which has faced criticism will be led by Eng. Shemeles Eshetu, The health bureau will be led by Dr. Yohannes Chala.
Dr. Tabor G/ Medhin who served as cabinet spokesperson the last five years will move to head the city education bureau and Abebech Negash will become the  cabinet spokeswoman.
In his explanation to cabinet members the Vice Mayor said the reshuffling is to get new blood and new ideas. Almaz Abrha was assigned to lead the Children and Women’s Affairs Bureau which is responsible for overseeing social services affecting women and children. Zewdu Ketsela will lead the city’s labor and social affairs agency and Eng, Yonas Ayalew will oversee the construction office.
“We’ve worked hard over the past three weeks to improve technology so we can issue identity cards to citizens in their kebeles  we’ve been announcing our work on local TV and radio.”
“The people who assigned today meet our demands in terms of educational backgrounds  and work experience and believe they will help the city meet its goals of providing better healthcare, business, construction, housing, and employment.”
“We are the diplomatic seat of Africa but a lot of work has to be done improve our name, the water problems, and waste in our homes and roads should managed properly.” He added that studies being undertaken to regulate and monitor executive workers so their work will improve.
Addis Ababa’s population of four million continues to grow largely due to internal migration.

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