Saturday, July 27, 2024

Abraham Belay replaces Azeb Asnake at EEP


Abraham Belay (PhD), Deputy Director of the Information Network Security Agency (INSA), has replaced the first woman energy leader, Azeb Asnake (Eng) after the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) held on Wednesday August 22.
The board chaired by Girma Biru (Amb), who recently replaced Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD), disclosed the news to the management of EEP on late Wednesday. They said Abraham would replace Azeb, who was in the CEO position since Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation was split in to two, in December 2013. Previously she led Gibe III, the biggest power plant in the country with 1,870 MW generation capacity, as a project manager.
Sources told Capital that the reshuffle of other top managers at EEP is also expected in the near future.
EEP is responsible for developing power generation, managing substations and transmission lines and overlooking power exports.
Currently EEP has projects worth 350 billion birr. The new CEO, who will start tomorrow, does not have experience in the power sector.

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