Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police ask for more investigation time in rights abuse cases


Highly anticipated trials over human rights violations have been delayed as police have asked the Federal High Court’s 10th Criminal Bench for more time to investigate recent discoveries of a toxic chemical found on the premises of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) and another house used to ‘torch’ people in custody.
The court previously adjourned the case for a week so police could conduct their investigation but with the chemical’s discovery the police have asked for additional time. For over four consecutive days the court listened to testimony from the police. Then, on December 27, the chemical issue arose. While reporting its stats and establishing a ground for an additional investigation period, police stated that the chemical’s contents needed to be verified and requested additional time to obtain test results.
One of the suspects told the court that he was the one who exposed the dangerous chemical on the NISS premises and argued that the police are pretending they obtained the chemical on their own, which is immoral.
The suspect said the chemical was put in a room which was enclosed by a wooden structure. He said if anyone went into the room the chemical would harm them. The judge then asked police about the suspect’s statement and the police admitted that the information came from the suspect.
The court adjourned the case to decide if more time would be given for the investigation.
In another case police were given 14 additional days for investigation after an additional ‘torching’ house was discovered. This is the 8th house, used for arbitrary arrests and burning suspects that police have discovered. Two defendants in the case are Maesho Kidne and Hadush Kahesaye.
Police also revealed that they have finished investigating other suspects accused of grave corruption asked for further adjournment to press charges.

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