Saturday, July 27, 2024

Super Supermarket


MIDROC inaugurated a unique branch of Queen’s Supermarket at Keranyo area-Keranyo Plaza at a cost of 60 million birr including pre operating and working capital. The building alone is priced at 37.7 million birr.
The Supermarket was inaugurated in the presence of Shiek Abdela Ali Huissen Almoudi, brother of the owner of MIDROC, and Arega Yirdaw, CEO of MIDROC and President of Unity University.
“The Supermarket has a unique feature as it is designed in line with internationally accepted norms for supermarkets making shopping easy and comfortable,” said Arega Yirdaw.
The Supermarket is built with other facilities such as a gas station, car service, Café, bank and event center. It has also safe and spacious parking lots that enable it to host close to 150 cars.
“We need to be exemplary for the other investors who want to build a Supermarket in line with internationally accepted standards as we are the seat of the diplomatic capital,’’ adds Arega.

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