Saturday, April 20, 2024

Yonatan Solomon


Name: Yonatan Solomon

Education: BA in computer science

Company name: Afritech Software Development plc

Title: Cofounder

Founded in: 2018

What it does: Software & website development

Start up capital: 30,000 Birr

Current capital: Growing

HQ: Around Bole Michael

Number of employees: 10

Reason for starting the business: Financial freedom

Biggest perk of ownership: Creating technological advantages

Biggest strength: Working together as a team

Biggest challenge: Internet connection

Plan: To be competitive in the market

Most interesting in meeting: Elon Musk

Most admired people: My parents

Stress reducing: Hiking

Favorite past time: Working

Favorite book: Not really a book person

Favorite destination: Gonder

Favorite Automobile: Vintage cars


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