Saturday, July 27, 2024

Partnership to scale up management and leadership development


The Ethiopian Management Institute and HST Consulting PLC announced a partnership to work together and provide a unique service on management and leadership development.
Both parties signed a memorandum of understanding on December 3, 2019, hoped to support their common clients to achieve progressive efforts through enhanced capabilities from the scaled up offers. The partnership is expected to help both parties to boost up their capacity to run a joint project that their accumulative pearls of wisdom and experience from their respective areas of expertise and experiences. Allow to share expertise, tools, space and other resources that will make them more accessible, flexible and demand-driven research-based solutions.
The only governmental management service provider in the country, Ethiopian Management Institute is a public enterprise that has been operating since 1956. The institute works on enhancing the managerial capacity of the organizations in the country by rendering management development. Provide training consultancy services, research services, facilities at both Addis Ababa head office and at Bishoftu branch. The leadership of EMI is cognizant of the fact that for many organizations in the public sector the capacity to plan, follow and execute their strategies and policies as per their mandate is less than the desired level. Weubamlak Eshetu, Director General of the Institute said: “there is a growing need to deliver more service and picking up momentum as a pressing agenda this is why the Management of EMI decided to enter into this MoU with HST Consulting.”
HST is known as a professional service firm established in 2003 and works to solve business growth, operational issues, people, financial tax government risk learning and compliance. The company Provides multidisciplinary professionals working in strategy, human capital, corporate finance, enterprise risk, audit, technology, educational, tax and outsourcing. HST is known for investing in human capital and technology that helped to gain customized solution to firms operational and strategy to stay relevant in the business environment by providing corporate tailored training to organizations mainly from financial services, manufacturing, distribution and retails, construction, mining. HST consulting has also been recommending the government on the implementation of privatization and the stock market. As Solomon Gizaw Managing Director of HST, the question to work together as a partnership rises from HST with the belief of creating a dynamic capability that enable them to address gaps in system and competence with a direct bearing on achieving strategy and policy goals.

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