Name: Betelhem Abebe

Education: Degree in Electrical Engineering

Company name: Zewd fashion

Title: Founder

Founded in: 2016

What it does: Produces readymade cloth

HQ: Addis Ababa

Number of employees: 5

Startup Capital: 30,000 birr

Current Capital: Growing

Reasons for starting the business: To produce comfortable clothes from local materials

Biggest perk of ownership: Being able to set my own schedule

Biggest strength: Being able to create new products

Biggest challenging: Materials, transportation and labor

Plan: To be competitive in the continent

First career: Writer

Most interested in meeting: Anna Wintour

Most admired person: My mother

Stress reducer: Music and sleep

Favorite past time: Reading

Favorite book: Decoded

Favorite destination: Anywhere in Africa

Favorite automobile: Range Rover

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