Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ikhaya Automation Systems partners with UNICEF to aid safe vaccine delivery across Africa


Ikhaya Automation Systems (Ikhaya), specialist leaders in temperature monitoring solutions for the pharmaceutical industry among others, has partnered with the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to aid vaccination efforts across Africa. As an accredited UNICEF supplier as of January 2021, Ikhaya will be supplying specially manufactured, preconfigured and automated temperature monitoring and control solutions. These systems will ensure that the cold chain on essential medications, such as the Covid-19 vaccine, remains intact, a challenging prospect in the African market.
“Many medications, and especially the Covid-19 vaccinations, need to be kept within very narrow and specific temperature ranges, otherwise they could be rendered ineffective and possibly even be dangerous. With our solution, designed specifically for the African market, UNICEF can reduce wastage, improve efficiency and speed efforts to achieve herd immunity,” says Praba Moonsamy, Managing Director at Ikhaya.

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