Saturday, July 27, 2024

GERD second filling ends Egypt’s monopoly of Nile


The second filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) would be a historic moment to irreversibly end the age-long unjust utilization of the Nile waters by downstream countries, notably Egypt, a diplomacy professor said.
Speaking to local media, Civil Service University Diplomacy Professor Endale Nigussie stated that a successful filling of 18 billion cubic meter water in the GERD reservoir in the coming rainy season would change the course of the dam’s talks and enforces Egypt to lose its longstanding hegemony.
The second filling of the GERD reservoir would also shift the responsibility of protecting the project to Egypt for the sake of its own safety.
The scholar further highlighted that the second filling, in addition to enabling Ethiopia to utilize River Nile fairly and equitably, would allow the country to undertake early electric power generation trials through the two turbines that have been fitted with the mega dam.
Noting that Egypt Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry’s recent remark about the second filling’s insignificant impact on Egypt has caused grave public anger and resentment, he said that both downstream countries have employed zero-sum game to ease internal pressures incited by Ethiopia’s dam.

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