Saturday, July 27, 2024

Amhara IDPs receive food relief from FH Ethiopia


FH Ethiopia is providing food and nonfood items to internally displaced people in Tigray and Amhara Regions, in response to the current conflict in Northern Ethiopia. Food for the Hungry (FH) has been actively engaged in responding to human suffering induced by conflict or natural disaster in Ethiopia since 1984, and has been active in Amhara since 1986. Currently, FH Ethiopia operates in six regions out of ten in the country, targeting more than 1.5 million people in need. In current activities, Amhara Region is where FH has its largest funding portfolio. FH is now assisting 2,452 people through the OVC project in 3 woredas of South Gondar; 214,317 people through the DFSA project in 7 woredas of South Gondar and Wag Himra; and 285,340 people through the JEOP project in 11 woredas of South Gondar and Wag Himra.
As of September 28th alone, food distributions have been made to 180,882 internally displaced, food insecure people in Dabat, Debark Town, Dabark Zuria, Janamora, Adiarkay, and Beyeda Woredas of North Gondar zone.

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