Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dashen launches international debit card


Dashen Bank launches a platform that will ease traveler’s access to foreign currency around the world.
Now Dashen customers can use Dashen American Express International Debit Card to manage their payments abroad.
The new scheme is managed in exclusive partnership with American Express (AMEX), according to Asfaw Alemu, President of Dashen Bank.
Asfaw said as the payment industry continues to evolve and regulations start to relax, Dashen Bank is always in the upfront to innovate around and deliver quality products to its customers, “we are now delighted to announce the launch of Dashen Bank American Express International Debit Card, which allows Ethiopian travelers to make easy, secure and convenient payments globally.”
“The launch of the card will also avoid the potential risk of carrying physical cash and give our customers freedom of shopping,” he elaborates adding “the Bank is also delighted to partner with AMEX, one of the reputable brands in the payment industry to co-brand the card with.”
“We are taking foreign currency from banks by cash when we are traveling, it has a challenge on payments and hotel reserve that is now easy for customers,” Asfaw said at the launching press conference held on Tuesday at the Dashen Bank headquarter located in front of National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE).
This product significantly benefits overseas travelling customers by enabling them to easily use foreign currency for card transactions when travelling outside Ethiopia.
In its statement the bank said that Dashen American Express International Debit Card is highly convenient for prominent customers, international corporations and customers with high foreign currency inflow, who frequently travel for business to different corners of the world.
“Customers can access their foreign currency account to make purchases abroad,” the statement explained.
Under the new platform cardholders also benefit from cashless transactions, improved safety, a card that is light to carry, no withdrawal limit and access to the global American Express merchant and ATM network.
“A customer who fulfills the minimum foreign currency requirements and who is not on the sanctions lists of Office of Foreign Assets Control, UN and USA is eligible to get the Dashen American Express International Debit Card,” it added.
James Wainaina, Vice President of Business Development – Africa, for AMEX said “we are delighted to launch the Dashen Bank American Express International Debit Card. It is important that people in Ethiopia benefit from more convenient and safe payment methods.”
“The international debit product will allow customers to use a card at POS machines when travelling globally, instead of having to make payments using physical cash. This innovation will enhance the experience of people travelling outside of Ethiopia and should also enable customers to make more payments through e-commerce, such as those for hotel bookings and flights. This is another important milestone in our longstanding partnership with Dashen Bank and adds to our existing product portfolio which includes two domestic debit cards,” James Wainaina, Vice President of Business Development – Africa, for AMEX.
According to NBE law, customers can withdraw 10 percent of their account through card.
The Bank announces that customers can apply for the card at any branches or Forex offices.
Dashen is the most reputable brand in Ethiopia’s Banking industry, pioneering different forms of digital banking. The bank has registered consistency in terms of delivery of various technological outputs. It was the first bank to introduce card banking to the Ethiopian banking industry. Dashen also works in partnership with renowned international electronic payment brands including AMEX and prominent worldwide money transfer agents.
In relation with its 25th anniversary celebration the bank has introducing several digital services for customers.

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