Saturday, July 27, 2024

Book depicting the life of Ethiopian birds’ launches, world celebrates French language day


A book called Piafs d’addis written by Fre’deric Peire has been officially launched on Sunday March 20, 2022 at Zoma Museum. The book narrates about birds of Ethiopia and their life.
Fre’deric Peire is a French artist based in Addis Ababa having more than 10 years of experience on the sector. The book is written both in French and in Amharic language.
In related news on March 20, 2022, the 12th round of international French language Day has been celebrated at the UN Economic commission for Africa. In 2010, the United Nations Department of Public Information officially launched French Language Day to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity. This day is used to promote the equal use of the six official languages of the United Nations: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. There are more than 400 million speakers using this language on the five continents. The March 20 date is also recognized as the International Day of La Francophonie, which celebrates the anniversary of the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT), created on 20 March 1970. French is one of the two working languages of the United Nations.

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