Saturday, July 27, 2024



With the rise of on-demand platforms and the gig economy, technology has become a critical link for service providers to quickly and efficiently engage with customers. On-demand applications have gained popularity in recent years due to their ability to save users time, money, and effort. Min Litazez Addis, which was newly launched, is an on-demand mobile app that links you to close, inexpensive, well-trained, and vetted handymen for both home and commercial requirements. Users can locate craftsmen to undertake plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, AC, painting, flooring & tile installation, masonry, air conditioning installation and repairs, and other miscellaneous services. The site currently includes over 2,000, pre-vetted artisans who have been background verified since the app’s introduction, and the number of service providers on the platform is growing on a daily basis.
As Dawit Tadesse, co-founder of Min Litazez Addis, highlights, the firm has spent the last one year choosing, validating, and teaching artists in Addis Ababa with varied skill sets and service offers. Moreover, the firm that is buzzing to present its service further underlined that its App meets the expectations of customers who demand not only convenience, but also timely delivery of ordered services. Capital met with Dawit Tadesse before daybreak to learn more about their new application and its societal benefits. Excerpts;

Capital: What inspired you to create the platform Min Litazez Addis?
Dawit Tadesse: I believe that most fresh ideas come from a combination of events. They may arise as a result of client dissatisfaction with existing products or services, leading them to seek to find alternatives to those products or services. And ours falls inside these boundaries.
For example, we have just relocated to another location, and the house we purchased needed numerous repairs before we could move in. We had to locate a plumber to replace the wash basin, the paint was ripped out and needed to be repainted, and the breaker switch tripped when two appliances were plugged in at the same time, so we required an electrician to fix this. Then, at the time, we looked for a company that could provide everything we required all at once, but we couldn’t locate one, which is how Min Litazez Addis was born.

Capital: Is the company you’re running for brand new to us? Is there another business that competes with yours? What distinguishes yours from the others, assuming any exist?
Dawit: Yes, I suppose so; there are a few companies attempting to develop the platform. However, none of them are like us. We have no commonalities other than the fact that we all use software technology as a market tool. We have learned from the licensing office and other interested governmental agencies that no one else offers such a diverse choice of capacities, service locations, and formalities as we do. We had already planned ahead of time. We conducted research and observations to identify the difficulties, and we were able to provide fantastic answers for societies in particular, as well as move the country forward using this platform in general.
To name a few of the main distinguishing features that we brought and that may place us in a unique position, we have our quality of service, a pre-set service charge that we believe and thoroughly research to ensure that it is acceptable by both the client and the service provider, the equipment we use, the application we developed, and the software we use. We also have a large number of people who are willing to help you in any way they can. When it comes to our coworkers, they are qualified for their positions, highly skilled professionals, and articulate individuals. Furthermore, they are liable for the loss and destruction in accordance with the legal agreement they previously established with Min Litazez Addis. Except for the standard Ethio-telecom charge, our call center number “625” does not collect any additional service charges. I feel that with them and our loyalties, we will be the finest in the market.

Capital: Because your firm Min Litazez Addis connects employees with employers, as well as service providers and people in need of services, what led to the brand name and how may you be contacted?
Dawit: Min Litazez Addis, as the name implies in Amharic, is a humble way of serving a client and it acts as a hub, respectfully connecting both the service provider and those in need of the services, and we hope to attract a regular loyal customer base by providing easy to reach and reliable service delivery. The brand name is synonymous with the English term “How can I assist you.”
Any skilled persons or service providers can contact us or visit our office to register with us for work.
Any skilled individuals and service providers can phone us or come to our office to register with their documents to work with us, and any person looking for service can call 625 to acquire service from the lists we have established.

Capital: Explain from both sides what people should expect to do when they visit or call 625, and what they will get?
Dawit: When customers dial “625”, they will hear humble replies from the other end of the phone. Our receptionists are courteous, honest, and well-trained call center representatives. On our line a variety of services to meet your needs, including all quenching explanations to all of our callers’ inquiries, will be addressed. They will mention all of our service categories that satisfy the needs of nearly any household.

Capital: Do you believe we (Ethiopians) have the right climate to implement such a system? Before deploying the technology, have you tested it for problems with the internet network, people’s understanding of the concept, and their ability to use it? What are your thoughts?
Dawit: We believe it will not be a bed of roses and that much work will be required to fully implement everything we aspire to implement in relation to our need, and because our idea is quite unusual, we may face some resistance from the internet network, people’s understanding of the concept, and technology handling.
Nonetheless, in recent years, contact centers and application-based services have become a “necessary” service in our country, particularly in our capital city of Addis Ababa. In this regard, the demand for all-in-one call center and application-based services has increased dramatically; on the other hand, many residents have increased their demand for call center-based services, so this business idea looks at ways to fill this inevitable gap while striving to provide maximum satisfaction to residents or any of our service seekers.

Capital: What will the company do if the painter or plumber fails to complete the job as agreed upon with the customer or takes property from the service taker?
Dawit: As I mentioned before, our company attempted to gather renowned handymen and service-providing organizations from all parts of the city and its outskirts. Furthermore, all handymen and service providers have a legitimate contract with Min Litazez Addis, their credentials are registered, and a copy is stored in our care. As a result, if a handyman leaves before completing the task and we hear discontent from our client, Min Litazez Addis will appoint another handyman to finish the job.
Furthermore, because our program assigns a rating to all handymen and service providers who welcome customer input, the defaulted handymen and service providers will be penalized in accordance with the legal treatment we provided previously and in future work offerings. Regarding the stolen issue, Min Litazez Addis will provide the legal bodies with the address, ID copy, and other connected documentation.

Capital: Customers want to know that the people who come to work on their property are trustworthy. Are the people who work for your organization true professionals?
Dawit: Definitely yes, the individuals registered in our company are professionals; majority of them are licensed and have certificates of competency from the relevant competent authority, but we have also attempted to include respectable handymen by proving their proficiency through their demonstrated abilities.

Capital: How would you rank our (Ethiopian) status in relation to the rest of the world? Citizens in various countries can use their cell phones to buy, sell, and do a range of other tasks. Are we on any lists?
Dawit: As I mentioned in the previous similar conversation, the usage of applications for services is in its infancy, but it is highly promising, and the growth cannot be underestimated. The demand for such services has risen dramatically, while the traditional method of service has declined. What we do know is that there is room for expansion and a large market for the proper combination of service, quality, and variety. Today’s world is one of technology, and many individuals are eager to find a more convenient way to obtain a service than the old one.
As a result, one might conclude that this type of business is now uncommon in our country Ethiopia. As a result, we believe Min Litazez Addis will be a great performer which contributes significantly to the development of this area.

Capital: As we all know, this is a new trend that has replaced the previous system; so, we are now in the conventional time. What are your thoughts on the changes and their impact on people?
Dawit: According to our methodical study and the feedback from our survey, people are very excited and happy with the service offerings that we provide, especially the unique ones like funeral services, veterinary services, sewerage & septic service, and so forth; that are currently not available through a call service and application. Furthermore, because our website is interactive, visitors may quickly access and place orders through it.

Capital: Tell us about the platform’s benefits as a nation and which categories of people gain the most from it.
Dawit: To start off with its advantages; we think that formal enterprises are the backbone of every country, and so Min Litazez Addis will assist to formalize the traditional style of service delivery to a more official one, and with that, we will retain taxes close to home, which will contribute to the country’s progress. Furthermore, it will reduce societal unemployment. Furthermore, it will encourage the younger generation to become self-sufficient by developing their own jobs.
Furthermore, as our future plans indicate, we will organize an empowerment training scheme for skilled but unemployed young men and women, as well as returnees from Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world, in collaboration with financing institutions, to assist them in acquiring knowledge, skills, and the necessary working equipment in order to enter the market by establishing their own businesses.
Second it’s benefit from the lights of handymen and service providers. This platform will allow handymen and service providers to focus on their profession rather than searching for and marketing to them. It will also enable them to earn more money than previously.
Furthermore, as I mentioned above, we have a great aspiration in our future plan by cooperating with financing institutions to equip handymen and service providers with the necessary equipment and small machineries to grow their skill and be competitive in the market by satisfying the unlimited needs of clients.
Third from the client’s views; a client may use as many services as they choose with a single call using the standard telephone tariff charged by Ethio telecom, with no additional service charge by our organization. The client also benefits from a known initial set pricing, which is thoroughly researched and applied to all of the services offered on our platform; this protects clients from superfluous and unjust price gouging.
And last but not least owners get to generate revenue .

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