Junedin Jemal

Name: Junedin Jemal

Education: Finance Administration

Company name: Leather crafts

Title: Founder and Manager

Founded in: 2017

What it does: Leather products

HQ: Addis Ababa around CMC

Number of employees: 4

Startup Capital: 50,000 birr

Current Capital: Growing

Reasons for starting the business: Interest in leather products

Biggest perk of ownership: Doing what I Love

Biggest strength: Committed to do anything to survive

Biggest challenging: Working place

Plan: To build a big leather processing factory

First career: Designer

Most interested in meeting: Haile Gebresilassie

Most admired person: Haile Gebresilassie

Stress reducer: Designing

Favourite past time: Designing

Favourite book: None

Favourite destination: Harer/Dire Dawa

Favourite automobile: Mercedes Benz

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