Saturday, July 27, 2024

Elein Ayalew


Name: Elein Ayalew

Education: Diploma in secretary science

Company name: Elein Ayalew Security and Cleaning Service

Title: Owner

Founded in: 2021

What it do: Gives security and cleaning service

Hq: Addis Ababa around Lideta

Number of Employees: 10

Startup capital: 20,000 birr

Current Capital: Growing

Reason for starting the Business: Financial freedom

Biggest perk of ownership: Always being able to create opportunities

Biggest strength: Hard worker

Biggest challenge: Inflation

Plan: To start a food bank, to be able to feed those who cannot afford

First career: Sales

Most interested in meeting: Biniyam Belete, founder of Macedonia Humanitarian Foundation in Ethiopia

Most admired person: My mother

Stress reducer: Praying

Favorite past time: pending time with my families

Favorite book: The Bible

Favorite destination: Jerusalem

Favorite automobile: Ford

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