Name: Lamrot Olana

Education: BA in Accounting

Company name: Meryz gift shop and home décor

Title: Owner

Founded in: 2021

What it do: Sell different kinds of gift items

Hq: Addis Ababa, CMC

Number of Employees: 2

Startup capital: 150,000 birr

Current Capital: Growing

Reason for starting the Business: To create my own income

Biggest perk of ownership: Upgrading myself

Biggest strength: Hard-work mindset

Biggest challenge: Capital

Plan: Opening branches

First career: Student

Most interested in meeting: No one

Most admired person: My mother

Stress reducer: Praying

Favorite past time: Traveling

Favorite book: Etemete Yelomi Shita, Adam Reta

Favorite destination: Greece

Favorite automobile: Jeep

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