Name: Zelalem Hailu

Education: Degree

Company name: Unique Gifts

Title: Owner

Founded in: 2022

What it do: Sells different kinds of gifts

Hq: Addis Ababa around Mexico

Number of Employees: 1

Startup capital: 20,000 birr

Current Capital:Growing

Reason for starting the Business: To fill the gap

Biggest perk of ownership: Independence

Biggest strength: Creativity

Biggest challenge: Finding market

Plan: Expanding and opening other shops

First career: None

Most interested in meeting: Haile GebreSilassie

Most admired person: Betelhem Tilahun

Stress reducer: Meditation

Favorite past time: Working

Favorite book: Rich Dad Poor Dad

Favorite destination: Italy

Favorite automobile: Hyundai Creta 2022

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