Haylye Melaku

Name: Haylye Melaku

Education: Diploma

Company name: Haylye and Worku Garden Works

Title: Co-founder

Founded in: 2020

What it do: Landscaping design and installation

Hq: Addis Ababa around Bulbula

Number of Employees: 2

Startup capital: 20,000 birr

Current Capital: Growing

Reason for starting the Business: Financial independence

Biggest perk of ownership: Updating my self

Biggest strength: Creativity

Biggest challenge: Working place

Plan: To open my own farm

First career: none

Most interested in meeting: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Most admired person: no one

Stress reducer: Working

Favorite past time: Working

Favorite book: Bible

Favorite destination: Japan

Favorite automobile: Ford

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