Saturday, July 27, 2024

Oromia bank embarks ‘Center of Excellence’ construction


Oromia bank started the construction a Center of Excellence and convention center for banking students and experts alike.
Board of directors of the Bank led by Gemechu Waktola /PhD/, Teferi Mekonnen, President of the bank, Teshome Adugna /PhD/, Mayor of Sheger town, attended the ceremony held on February 9, 2023.

(Photo: Anteneh Aklilu)

The center which will now lay on a 15 hectare plot of land from the total 20 hectares, was received from Gelan city which is one of the newly launched Sheger city administrations of the 5 surrounding cities of the capital.
The purpose of the construction is said to be tailored around building a center of excellence for a competent banker complemented by a contemporary convention center. “The concept of a Center of Excellence is to build out key processes, establish a methodology, and develop expertise across the sector,” said the president adding, “It is typically based on technology, critical process, new skill, or an application – to help the organization adopt that process and become efficient at it.”
As indicated on the ceremony, the 2 local construction and consultation companies, Biyanco General Construction plc for the construction and Yohannes Abay Consulting Architects and Engineers which deals with design were given the go to handle the innovative project. The construction is said to be completed in 18 months.

(Photo: Anteneh Aklilu)

As the President indicated, the construction of the center is expected to cost 20 billion birr with the role out of construction expected to be in different phases.
As indicated by the bank, the center will have training rooms, dorms, stadium, gymnasium, commercial centers, convention center, museum, modern residential village, hospital and other service buildings that can give services for both residents of the center and the surrounding area.

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