Saturday, July 27, 2024

Electric vehicle charging stations across Addis in the horizon


Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) and Cardinal Industrial plc agree on the establishment of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in alignment with the infrastructure capabilities of the power producer.
During the launching ceremony held on Monday February 1, Cardinal Industrial announced that it is planning to build 500 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations within one year at the cost of USD 15 million.
Moges Mekonnen, Public Relations Head at EEP, said that EEP will provide the energy and infrastructure on the aim to provide sustainable power for charging stations.
As he explains, the charging station will be installed on the substation facilities that EEP is administering.
Moges further elaborated that the charging station will be connected on separate lines on the aim to keep sustainable power supply for the charging stations as well as electric supply for the public.
Liliya Hailu, CEO of Cardinal Industrial, said as a pilot, Addis Ababa will be the first to get the charging station, while the initiative will be expanded throughout the country.
According to Ashebir Balcha, EEP has over 180 substations throughout the country. He said that EEP is generating green energy thus, “it has the potential to expand the supply of energy for EV.”

(Photo: Anteneh Aklilu)

He said that his enterprise has accomplished the precondition to install charging stations at its facilities.
Moges said as per the current potential, EEP has a capacity to provide up to 1,000 GWH of electric energy per annum for charging stations with the potential of generating up to one billion birr per year.
The number of electrical vehicles has been on the rise in the country following the government’s policy direction to expand environmentally friendly vehicles.

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