Saturday, July 27, 2024



Request for Proposal (RFP):

Macroeconomic Technical Specialist

A) About FSSP Ethiopia – WUSC

The FSSP in Ethiopia is a Global Affairs Canada (GAC) project managed by the World University Service of Canada (WUSC). WUSC is a Canadian international development organization with a mission of fostering human development and global understanding through education and training.

FSSP Ethiopia is responsible for the provision of a range of technical and logistical services. Provision of these services help support effectiveness, efficiency, quality, and relevance of Canada’s support in responding to Ethiopia’s development challenges. Canada aligned its development programming to Ethiopia’s development needs as outlined in the Country’s Ten-Year Development Plan as well as GAC’s development policies and priorities. The FSSP actively supports GAC’s development commitments in Ethiopia and assists in reaching quality results. The project also provides specific Ethiopian knowledge and expertise that offers GAC insights and appreciation for local development issues to inform the design of impactful and comprehensive development strategies. The FSSP also provides administrative and logistical services to support GAC’s project delivery and oversight. The FSSP is aligned with GAC’s policy on aid effectiveness which is a policy aimed at delivering aid in a way that maximizes its impact on development. To this end, the FSSP Ethiopia supports key elements of GAC’s commitment to aid effectiveness, including efficiency, alignment, and risk management.     

The FSSP guided by Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP) assists GAC’s program in Ethiopia to be human rights-based, inclusive, strategic, focused, transformative, evidence-based, and accountable. FSSP reflects Canada’s belief that development activities should provide the greatest potential to close gender gaps and eliminate barriers to gender equality. Accordingly, FSSP’s work focuses on the equality and empowerment of GAC project beneficiaries with a growing focus on doing no harm in fragile and conflict-affected areas. The FSSP acknowledges the necessity of hiring and allocating additional resources for the implementation of the FIAP. The FSSP and consulting Technical Specialists (TS) give special attention to the inclusion of women and girls, in need assessments, decision making, planning, and monitoring of projects, to actively advocate for gender equality and safety. 

FSSP supports present and future GAC investments in Ethiopian development focused on sustainable agriculture/food security, access to finance with focus on innovative finance for women, entrepreneurship and business growth, improving and strengthening the enabling environment and ecosystem for MSMEs to grow particularly through addressing barriers to women’s economic empowerment, as well as building capacity of development partner organizations/institutions to implement gender responsive policies and services. 

FSSP Ethiopia would like to recruit a competent consultant for a macroeconomic technical specialist position.

B) Application Instructions and Conditions

Interested candidates should submit a technical and a financial proposal.

Technical proposal includes:

  • A sample of original work written about related topics in English, a statement of intent, CV, and a minimum of 3 professional references.
  • Clearly stated technical qualifications, expertise, skills, and relevant experience. The candidate must provide complete details on where, when, and how the stated qualifications or experience were obtained (via which activities and responsibilities). To demonstrate when experience was obtained, the candidate must specify the length of such experience, including the start and end dates.

Financial proposal should:

  • State the expected all-inclusive daily fee, with supporting evidence of previously established daily rates.

Submit proposals by email only to:

Subject line to read: Technical Specialist – Macroeconomist

C) Deadline for Application: 8 September 2023

Proposals submitted past the deadline will not be accepted. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

D) Eligibility criteria for applicants

The candidate must be legally and operationally in a position to contract and provide consulting services in Ethiopia. International applicants are welcome to apply; support can be provided to fulfill all requirements to work in Ethiopia.

E) Additional

 FSSP Ethiopia – WUSC is an equal opportunity employer.

F) Evaluation of the Proposals:

The technical proposal will be scored on the statement of intent, CV, and interview and worth 60%. The financial proposal will be worth 20%, and the referee interviews worth 20%.

G) Place of work

 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

H) Number of consultants required



Position: Macroeconomic Technical Specialist

Reports to: FSSP Project Manager


This terms of reference are for a Macroeconomic Specialist, who would serve as finance and economic lead for FSSP Ethiopia in addition to fulfilling duties as part of the broader FSSP Technical Specialist Team.

Description of Consultancy

The Macroeconomic Technical Specialist will undertake diverse tasks in collaboration with the FSSP manager and GAC officers to ensure the effective and efficient results-based management of GAC’s projects in Ethiopia by providing technical support in planning, designing, and implementation (including monitoring) of projects that address the development priorities of Ethiopia.

This specialist’s duties include analyzing, synthesizing, and presenting data through monthly macroeconomic reports on the Ethiopian economy including various sectors’ economic performance, inflation, government spending, debt, treasury bonds and bills, public and private market activity, investment climate, international trade, the International Financial Institutions, and policy changes and reforms. The candidate will be regularly asked to apply macro data to human development, analyzing the effects of macroeconomic trends on the poorest and most vulnerable, including women and girls.

Under the direction of Canada’s FIAP, the Specialist will provide recommendations and advice to GAC’s bilateral development program in Ethiopia by identifying effective entry points, gaps and opportunities for future Canadian funding. The Specialist will help assess potential initiatives ensuring they are effective, aligned with national/local priorities, GAC’s FIAP policy objectives, and represent good value for money, with focus on economic analysis and policy.

Scope of Work / Key activities

Activities of the specialist will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Analyzing and synthesizing economic data presented in monthly macroeconomic updates that contain, amongst other things:
    • Analysis of developments in the fiscal policy space in the country, including allocations, supplementary budgeting, fiscal deficit, deficit financing, aid and borrowing, expenditure, tax, and non-tax revenues, and sectoral spent;
    • Economic growth trajectory including GDP projections and reporting (with explanations on met and or under-met growth projections), inflation, unemployment, total factor productivity, wages, and sector performances;
    • Monetary developments, such as cash transaction, exchange rate, T-bill performance, reserves, NBE advances, base and broad money growth, inflation, debt, and interbank money market;
    • Regulatory and functional developments in financial sector, including credit policy, saving mobilization, foreign exchange, guarantees, trade finance, financial inclusion, intermediation, and digital finance;
    • Trends and trajectory of investment related aspects, such as FDI inflow, major mergers and acquisition, joint ventures, privatization of state-owned enterprises, Public Private Partnerships, mega contracts, and any distributive aspects;
    • External sector performance, such as exports, imports, balance of payment, trade balance and other related variables. New policy and regulatory developments impacting the performance of any aspect of the economy;
    • The effects of the above on the poorest and most vulnerable, including women and girls.
  • Through the lens of the FIAP, conducting sectoral deep dives and analyses as assigned, and feeding into reports;
  • Create a report on recent developments regarding the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), regional economic integration and the implications for Ethiopia (e.g. what are the ACFTA opportunities and challenges for Ethiopia?)from a human development lens;
  • Undertake timely analysis of International Financial Institutions and their engagement with the Government of Ethiopia (GoE);
  • Provide support to ongoing and upcoming project by:
    • Reviewing and assessing new concept notes/project proposals, and analyzing value for money, business rationale and sustainability of theory of change. Conducting due diligence on proposed implementing partners, review project implementation plans (PIP), logic models (LM), performance measurement frameworks (PMFs), work-plans, risk registers and management plans in accordance with GAC’s results-based management methodology and following the FIAP;
    • Reviewing narrative progress reports of ongoing projects and help identify critical issues for follow-up, and provide recommendations to improve outcomes. Especially for women and girls;
  • Provide support for stakeholder engagement by:
    • Preparing for and participating in technical working groups and steering committee meetings as assigned to help advance Canada’s strategic objectives in Ethiopia, including through advancing the FIAP;
    • Preparing for and participating in organizing sessions/providing briefings for Canadian official visits;
    • Supporting the organization of meetings or events as requested/as relevant to FSSP and GAC’s programming in Ethiopia.
  • Bring the latest knowledge and analysis on Ethiopia’s economy and other development related matters from academia, think tanks, and other external research partners to help position GAC’s policy support on local, national and region issues.

Tasking and Reporting

The Macroeconomic Technical Specialist will report to and work under the supervision of the FSSP Project Manager (PM) in delivery of technical and advisory services to GAC. A GAC officer will assign work to the specialist as needed, either directly or through the FSSP PM or appropriate action area lead. Completed deliverables are tracked using a Task Assignment and Completion Document (TAD) monthly, and approved by GAC officer. Approved TADs along with corresponding invoices need to be submitted to the FSSP PM monthly for review and approval.

The Macroeconomic Technical Specialist will submit to GAC monthly macroeconomic analysis reports covering the previous month on the third Monday of each month. The specialist’s submission to GAC will follow a submission of the monthly report to an internal FSSP communication specialist for editing.

Required Competencies and Experience

  • Minimum 7 years of demonstrated professional experience working in development economics and/or the financial sector with an in-depth understanding of Ethiopia’s economic development environment, financial systems and policies, and policy formulation.
  • Advanced degree in finance, economics or a related field
  • Relevant and demonstrable work experience as an Economist or similar role
  • Experience in analytical role (rigorous analytics):  ability to undertake, oversee and guide research and analyze economic development issues within the broader framework of sustainable human development, including empowerment, human rights, and gender equity.
  • Logical mindset and strong problem-solving skills
  • Exceptional organizational skills
  • Outstanding written and verbal communications skills: clear and convincing communicator of ideas in writing and in person, and ability to explain difficult and complex issues.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills

Level of Effort

The Macroeconomic Technical Specialist shall provide an estimated Level of Effort (LoE) of up to 45 days (for 6 months) from the effective date of the contract, 2 October 2023, to 22 March 2024.

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