Saturday, July 27, 2024

3rd 100,000 graduation ceremony was held successfully in safety and in well organized.


Zion Mission center 114th Graduation ceremony of Shincheonji 12 Tribes was held on 12th Nov in South Korea, there were 108,084 graduates. Zion mission center graduation was 103,765 in 2019, 106,186 in 2022, and this time, there were 6,724 pastors who graduated Zion Mission center, this number of pastor graduates was 10 times more than last year.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman, Man-Hee Lee) held 100,000 graduation ceremony in one place in order successfully and safely with more than 100,000 congregations who graduated and registered in Shincheonji Church of Jesus on 12th Nov without any single accident.

Educational Institute of Shincheonji church of Jesus, Zion Mission Center (General Director, Yeong-Jin Tan) held ‘Shincheonji 12 Tribes Zion Mission Center 114th Graduation ceremony’ in Daegu stadium of South Korea. By this 100,000-graduation ceremony, 108,084 graduates were graduated and It is 3rd times to hold graduation ceremony with more than 100,000 graduates after 103,764 of 2019 and 106,186 of 2022.

This Graduation that was started with opening speech of Chairman Man-Hee Lee, he said, “This book of Revelation had few pages in the Bible, but it contains great contents about coming of God’s kingdom” and also, he emphasized that “The will of God is to let people know this and make us believe this”.

And he continued saying that “Coming of God and his kingdom and becoming one with people means that this world will be the holy kingdom of God where God rules over” and he asked people that “Let us do his work so that this world can be the world of Good according to the will of God”.

General Director of Zion Mission Center, Yeong-Jin Tan gave Congratulatory message that “All of you, graduates here, checked directly what God promised to us by listening the best word of truth in the 6,000 years of history in the Bible.  So I believe you understood who you are in the Bible clearly. Now let us work at the front line for the work of restoration of all nations and bring peace to the world”.

There was the Card section performance ‘The event of betrayal, destruction and salvation in the book of Revelation which is testified by the Shincheonji’, and it was got so much enthusiastic cheers and applause. This Card section is unique performance which expresses summary meaning of the book of Revelation is evaluated as comprehensive cultural art.

After the giving certificate, passing tassel and awards, there was speech of graduate, Hyun-Mo Jung, which was got a lot of attention from people.

Current vice president of I.U.C Graduate school of Korea, Graduate Jung said “Last year, I was attended 113th 100,000 graduation ceremony as an invited guest. I was really wonder that even though there are many harsh persecutions to here, why more than 100,000 peoples are coming here? And specially I wondered how these full of youths here are so energetic and lively. And I heard that it is because of the word of God, so I started to study in the Zion Mission center classes.

“In accordance with my belief that I would not walk unless it was the right way, I studied and compared both Zion Mission Center and the Graduate School of Theology at the same time.” He said also “The level of teaching was too much different like heaven and earth. Shincheonji testified not only the true meaning of the book of Revelation, but also the fulfillment which is fulfilled according to the prophecy without adding or taking away.” “I will repay this grace and love to others to share this word of God as a child of God, He said.

Interestingly, in this 100,000 graduation ceremony, there are 6,274 current and former pastors and theology students who graduated together. That is more than 10 times higher than 522 pastor graduates last year’s graduation ceremony.

Meanwhile, this graduation ceremony was successfully completed with considerable effort in order and safety. As a large number of people gather in one place, the Shincheonji Church of Jesus has established a transportation managing plan to allow participants to enter and leave distributed for over 10 hours. There were 2,200 buses that moved to attend the event, and the Shincheonji Church of Jesus distributed the parking places to various cities around to minimize traffic congestion.

In addition, leaders were set up in all vehicles, and a guide volunteer was assigned to each section. 14,000 safety personnel and staff, including them, were assigned to focus on safety management. In addition, medical booths, emergency medical care, and ambulance waiting teams were operated.

“As it was a large-scale event, we focused on safety and order,” a Shincheonji Jesus Church official said. “We also focused on establishing a medical system, such as conducting emergency rescue education and deploying medical staff, to prepare for very cold weather and emergencies.”

“The Shincheonji Church of Jesus is the only church in the world that more than 100,000 people in each year are coming to become saints. This is because the word of truth is in Shincheonji, and God and Jesus are together with us. I hope you will check the words and become one in the Bible together with us.” he said.

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