Saturday, July 27, 2024

Name: Hermona Kidane


Education: BSc in Architecture

Company Name: Ekaka Design and Production P.L.C.

Title: CEO

Founded In: February 2023

What it does: Toy design and production

Head Quarter: Lideta

Start Up Capital: 20,000 birr

Current Capital: Growing

Number of the employees: 4

Reason for starting the business: To preserve local values and traditions

Biggest perk of ownership: You decide on the limits of your creativity

Biggest Strength: Being positive

Biggest challenges:  Lack of machineries

Plan: To be one of the biggest toy production firms in East Africa

First Career: Architect

Most interested in meeting: Addis Alemayehou

Most admired person: My parents

Stress Reducer: A good nap

Favorite book: The Wish by Nicholas Sparks

Favorite past time: Pulling an all nighter at the studio with friends back in school

22 Favorite Destination: Austria

23 Favorite automobile: Mercedes -Benz G-Class

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