Sunday, June 16, 2024

25 million birr support to boost soybean production announced


The Ethiopian Pulses, Oilseeds, and Spices Processors Exporters Association (EPOSPEA) has revealed a project aimed at expanding the productivity and market chain of soybeans. The project, which will span one year, has received a financial support of 25 million birr from GIZ.

The primary objective of the project is to enhance the production volume and market chain by building the capacity of soybean producers and exporters. Sisay Asmare, Chairman of the Association’s Board, emphasized that GIZ’s financial assistance is directed towards promoting the export of onion, avocado, and soybean products, as well as stabilizing the domestic market. He further highlighted the association’s commitment to working on soybean production for the benefit of Ethiopia.

It is worth noting that soybeans play a significant role in the global production of cooking oil, accounting for approximately 60 percent of the total output. The implementation of this project aims to strengthen the capacity of the association and facilitate the utilization of the support provided to traders and farmers in the sector.

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