Saturday, July 27, 2024



By: Abraham Nega

Obey your leader

Ethiopians shouldn’t use derogatory Language against Top Leaders. Ethiopians ought to be kind with their sentiments when it comes to government and their top leaders.

I wish we as Ethiopians especially the so called activists and YouTubers were a little bit more optimistic and we loved ourselves a little more.

I wish we didn’t use derogatory language against our own leader because he born to serve our beloved nation and to change our country with development and progress driven vision.

Let us not forget the Reformist Politician Dr. Abiy Ahmed became PM of Ethiopia during a deep political crisis with widespread grievances across Ethiopia of 120 million People and immediately began to enact political reforms and saved the country from total collapse, we shouldn’t forget this God divine arrangement.

Over the course of our development walk, we face many hardship and trials that would attempt to lead us away from our leaders, if we had to trust in what we have seen of developmental projects and the efforts our leaders made, we would never make it. Advice, criticize for constructive feedback support and also obey your leaders.

“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning”…. (Heb,13:17)

This Verse tells us that we must obey our leader because he deserves our respect and submission due to that he is concerned for our growth and development as well as peace and security through God divine.

Of course there are many who come to leadership and who have no concern for their people and are in it only for the power.

PM Dr. Abiy’s achievements among the most commonly cited are the freeing political prisoners, the rapprochement with archenemy Eritrea, the easing of restrictions on civil liberties, the appointment of a gender balanced cabinet including the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia President and Supreme Court President, Political Liberalization, rapid economic policy and strategy reforms, he has brought countryside and urban areas to the center of his development strategy, he has accelerated structural transformation.

Matter to especially in a country that remains deeply poor and unequal, Dr. Abiy has created space for a re-imagining of Ethiopian Foreign Policy. As with any country transition, the risks and opportunities are immense and it is not a new discovery.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ramped up mega projects through effective management as part of his prosperity drive.

Fast-tracking to completion stalled mega projects that were draining national resources and implementing new ones in short time frames has been the hallmark of this administration’s vision for prosperity.

PM Abiy has accelerated the construction of GERD and completed more than 90pct, due to his close follow up. Hydro dam is about to generate more than 5,200 MW of electricity.

Construction of the Koysha dam located near Gibe River with capacity of 2,160 Megawatt is accelerating while Aisha and Assela wind Turbines and Tulu Moye and Aluto Langano geothermal power plants are well done in line with increasing the country’s energy supply.

PM Abiy Ahmed’s directives and nobel design has given Unity, Entoto and Sheger parks to his beloved nation as a gift to set up and to enhance urban tourism and create jobs. The Gorgora, Koysha and Wonchi special projects in three regions of the country are part of the national greenery and beautification and tourism promotion effects, granted to Ethiopians.

The 4 Billion Birr project which is African symbol and named Adwa 0 meter has been completed successfully in the capital Addis Ababa. PM Dr Abiy launches 50bln birr integrated community dev’t project

The birth of a leader carries the mystery of conception, struggles with the intensity of labor and eventually experiences the warmth of the light of day. Once born, we all must journey through complex stages of life that offer no guaranteed outcomes. Through faith and perseverance, we must thrive.

As the great apostle Paul of the Christian faith told his protégé Timothy, “Fight the good fight of the faith.” Leaders now must ALL fight the good fight for their PEOPLE; fights that ensure a better future for the citizens of EACH NATION.

Leaders emerge out of the crucibles of life. They are forged out of adversity. They understand humility as much as they do victory. They are both warriors and peace makers. All leaders experience opposition, betrayal, uncertainty, loneliness, and failure.  But in the end, they are victorious – men and women of destiny.

In a period of history with complex shifts in geo-political allegiances and sectarian conflict.  But when the elephants fight it is the grass that suffers. This is, indeed, a story of great struggle, conflict, suffering, atrocities and death.  But it also is a story of the eternal quest for peace and freedom – for liberation of the body and soul – to be free.

There will be a myriad of names and events that only a few are familiar with.  But keep the larger horizon in mind.  The light does not need the permission of darkness to shine. Good will ultimately – always and eventually forever – overcome evil.

The life of Abiy Ahmed, “born to lead” (Born to serve) will inspire future generations.  Why? Because it is not the wealthy and privileged who make our world a better place.  But rather, the humble and strong of heart, that God uses to accomplish His purposes on earth.

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