Name:  Firew Lakew

Education:  Diploma in Auto-Electric and Graphics Design

Company Name:  Gorvi Mirror and Crafts

Title:  CEO

Founded in: 2023

What it Does:  Specializes in mirror design and crafts

Headquarters:  Addis Ababa

Startup Capital:  50,000 birr

Current Capital:  600,000 birr

Number of Employees: 3

Reason for Starting the Business: Passion for crafting unique mirror designs.

Biggest Perk of Ownership: Personal satisfaction

Biggest Strength: Dedication and hard work

Biggest Challenge: Finding suitable workspace

Plan: Compete in the market

First Career: Taxi Driver

Most Interested in Meeting: Established figures in the crafting industry

Most Admired Person: Haile Gebereselasie

Stress Reducer: Reading the Bible

Favorite Book: “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker

Favorite Pastime: Watching documentary movies

Favorite Destination: Greece

Favorite Automobile: Toyota Land Cruiser

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