Monday, April 29, 2024

Hanna Terefe


Name: Hanna Terefe

Education: BSC

Company name: Anicca Garment

Title: Owner

Founded in: 2017

What it does: Makes shopping bags

HQ:  Salite Mihret, Addis Ababa

Number of employees: 4

Reason for starting the business: To be self employed

Biggest perk of ownership: Financial freedom and responsibility

Biggest strength: Creativity

Biggest challenge:  Determining my target customer

Plan: Making environmental friendly products

First career:  Housekeeping

Most interested in meeting: PM Abiy Ahmed (PhD)

Most admired person:  Oprah Winfrey

Stress reducer: Meditation

Favorite past-time: Chilling with my friends

Favorite book: The Four Agreements by DanMigel Reuwiz

Favorite destination: Hawassa

Favorite automobile:  Toyota Land Cruiser V-8

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