Sunday, April 28, 2024

Eshetu Abebe


Name: Eshetu Abebe

Education: M.S.C in Information Technology

Company name:

Title: Co-founder

Founded in: 2016

What it does: Promoting Indigenous Knowledge

HQ: Santa Clara, California

Number of employees: Three

Startup Capital: USD 6,000

Current Capital: Growing

Reason for starting a Business: To promote indigenous knowledge

Biggest perk of ownership: Idea freedom

Biggest strength: Commitment

Biggest challenge: Not getting enough contributors

Plan: To expand the business to other African countries

First career: ICT worker

Most interested in meeting: Adam D’ Angelo, Co- founder of Quor

Most admired person: Mesrete Eshete, Computer Engineer

Stress reducer: Reading

Favorite past-time: Working

Favorite book: Fetawrarai Teklehawairiat’s autobiography

Favorite destination: Addis Ababa

Favorite automobile: Toyota Corolla

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