Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Doing Business

About planning

While knowing very well that something needs to be done, we often find ourselves delaying. Perhaps because we don’t like to do that particular...

About consumer behaviour

With the high rates of inflation around the world, and not in the last place here in Ethiopia, the costs of living are skyrocketing....

About hardware and software

Some twenty years or so ago, capacity building was introduced as a new strategy in development cooperation. Until then we have seen the coming...

Waste Not, Want Not!

Over a decade ago, in their report “Global Food Waste Not, Want Not”, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers stated that we produce about four...

Looking ahead

While we normally concentrate on what we are doing today, the fact that our environment and the conditions we work in are constantly changing,...

Thinking of starting a business, continued …

Two weeks back we looked into some hints and suggestions to include in a solid business plan. We saw that a business plan summarizes...

Thinking of starting a business?

Many young people aspire to set up their own business, many of them in the service providing sector. The fact that we see so many...

Are you managing? 2

Last week we saw that management can be classified into four basic aspects i.e. planning, organizing, leading and controlling, while effective managers create opportunities...