Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Doing Business

About wages

How much do you pay your workers? Do you think you pay too much? Or do you pay according to what you can afford? Do you pay what is...

Staying focused

Some time ago, I visited a rural town in another country in the region. It was not my first time to go there, and...


As friends came to visit last week, I thought of some places and attractions to visit together in Addis Abeba. The first place that...

Becoming the leader of the pack

No matter how you look at it, you can never be bored going around town in Addis Abeba or out of town for that...

Tour to Afar Region

I follow up on my article of last week, in which I described my experiences during a recent trip to an Asian country, and...

Remaining positive

I have the privilege to travel abroad quite frequently and every time I visit another country, my eyes are opened to the way things...

About debts

One thing that keeps many people up at night is debt. Debt is a major cause of stress, but not all debt should keep...

At what cost?

When I first came to this country, the variety of fruits and vegetables available in the shops in Addis Abeba was not as rich...

Exit strategies, … again.

As I looked into several Requests for Proposals recently, I noticed again how little time organizations and their consortiums are given to put a...

About Smog and more

The word smog was formed early during the last century in London from the smoky fog that covered that city because of industrial air...

Corporate profiling

While technology and products keep developing and renewing, we continuously need to adapt to the new realities as well. At the same time we...