Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Bereket Hailu


Name: Bereket Hailu

Education: Degree in Management

Company name: ‘Maritu Mar’

Title: Co-owner and founder

Founded in: 2017

What it does: Sell honey products

HQ: Hawassa

Number of employees: 7

Startup Capital: 50,000 birr

Current capital: 1 million birr

Reasons for starting the business: To generate income

Biggest perk of ownership: Transparency on our products

Biggest strength: Can simply communicate with others

Biggest challenging: Community awareness on packed items

Plan: To start exporting

First career: None

Most interested in meeting: Elon Musk

Most admired person: Elon Musk

Stress reducer: Singing

Favorite past time: Time with friends

Favorite book: The subtle art of not giving a f*ck

Favorite destination: Paris

Favorite automobile: Tesla

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