ChildFund’s humanitarian aid and development efforts amid challenges

With over three decades of experience in senior management roles within the development and humanitarian sector, Lilly A. Omondi serves as the Country Director...

Rémi Maréchaux, The French Ambassador to Ethiopia, Reflects on transformative tenure amid Ethiopia’s conflicts and collaborative projects

In this exclusive interview with Capital’s Groum Abate, Rémi Maréchaux, the French Ambassador to Ethiopia, digs into the intricacies and challenges of his tenure...

Gates Foundation CEO shares insights on Ethiopia visit and foundation’s ongoing commitment to Africa

Mark Suzman, CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is scheduled to visit Ethiopia from April 22 to April 26, 2024. His trip...

Navigating logistics challenges and opportunities

In an insightful interview with Capital, Kidist Kemeshi, the CEO of DHL Global Forwarding for Ethiopia, digs into the multifaceted landscape of logistics and...

Crusading against exploitation: Combatting drug trafficking

In the crusade against the pernicious network of drug trafficking, few voices resonate as profoundly as that of Father John Wotherspoon. Renowned for their...

Charting the course of Ethiopian Airlines

With over 38 years of extensive experience in airline management and operations, Mesfin Tasew, the Chief Executive Officer of Ethiopian Airlines Group, brings a...
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