Uganda lists Ethiopians as a huge tourist potential in addition to other lines of business sources that boost its venture in the economic sector.
Cognizant of this, the grate lake region country is now aggressively promoting its tourism potential and investment opportunities to different stakeholders in Ethiopia.
As Ugandan Embassy diplomats based in Addis Ababa express, the two countries have long withstanding relations in various fields which harbor an opportunity to maximize on further mutual benefiting investments.
During one of the series of promotional briefing sessions held at Sheraton Addis on Wednesday June 14, Anne Nabaasa, Second Secretary Desk Officer for Bilateral Cooperation at the Ugandan Embassy in Ethiopia, highlighted that Uganda and Ethiopia cooperate in investment, tourism, trade, culture and education, “We have also an arrangement between the capital, Kampala, capital city authority and Addis Ababa city authority. So there are very many areas of cooperation that have grown over the years. And of course, what brings us together. Of course, the relation stretches back to the formation of the African Union, to which we were part of the founding members.”
As Anne indicates, the two countries have different mechanisms under which they work in tandem; one being through the joint permanent commission.
“In the joint permanent commission, we work together in areas of; trade, investment, sports, education, health, and immigration. So it’s a framework that gives us, investment in all cooperation avenues and in all aspects of, social, political, and defense,” she elaborated.
As is well known, the two east African countries also have a joint ministerial commission, which brings together different ministers in different sectors between Ethiopia and Uganda to cooperate with each other, and put in place frameworks and Memoranda of Understanding agreements that can help to further those relations.
Regarding the tourism sector, the Ugandan Diplomat reminded that Uganda and Ethiopia already have an agreement on tourism promotion, “So what we are doing today is one of the ways of enforcing or implementing that agreement on tourism. We hope to work together to attract Ethiopians to go visit Uganda, as well as attract Ugandans to come and visit Ethiopia.”
“Now what is really helping us at the moment is that we have an airline that goes to Uganda three times every day. So it’s easy for those that are going to Uganda to go and those that are coming from Uganda to also come and there are different cultural aspects that we share,” she said, adding, “I was in Arba Minch and I was surprised that the local attire that they use for that region is the same as same as the Ugandan flag colors. We were pleasantly happy and the food they have is actually like the food we eat in Uganda. So there are similarities.”
“What we hope to do is promote the similarities where there are differences to harness those differences and promote them as attractions. For example, here you have lions, but it’s a different shade of surprise. I’ve never seen black lions, but I saw them at the Unity Park. In Uganda, we have tree climbing lions. We also have the normal lions. We also have leopards, which may not be here in Ethiopia. This is what we are hoping to do, that is, promote those differences,” Anne showcased how the two countries can complement each other.
There are many Ethiopians in Uganda that have opened up restaurants that serve the community both foreigners and local. She pointed out that such kinds of good opportunities need to be expanded to promote the tourism and economic sectors between the two countries.
“There is a potential in the tourism sector from Ethiopia to Uganda, I believe so,” she firmly stated that Uganda is a best destinations for Ethiopians who want to spent their vacations.
However the diplomat said that there is a complication to pay for visa for Ethiopians since the Uganda immigration process has become an online scheme.
Regarding the visa issue, the diplomat said that her government is working to elevate the matter, “The payment process is a bit complicated for Ethiopians, because several people do not have credit cards, or do not have the ability to make payment online. But we are working with immigration authorities to see how something can be made that is specific to Ethiopia to enable those that are interested to come to Uganda.”
Uganda is one of the top tourist destinations in the region with its natural and cultural welfares besides massive wildlife safari potentials with its 10 national parks. According to 2019 statistics tourism contributes 7.9 percent for the Ugandan GDP.
The Ugandan government is also facilitating different incentives to attract more investment for the country that has more than 48 million in population.
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